Ans 1. Cement has High Heat of Hydration, Tile Adhesive has Low heat of Hydration
2. Cement needs curing with water to gain full strength compared to that of Tile Adhesive
3. Rigid v/s flexible
4. Cement is used based on as per construction & concrete requirements whereas Tile Adhesive is used based on tile surface & substrate requirement
5. Low workability v/s high workability
6. Cement has very high deformation resulting in air voids, tile adhesive on the other hand results in low deformation generating good strength
7. Cement can’t be used for fixing glasses tiles (or) tile on tile application unlike Tile Adhesives as the name suggests

Ans. 1. Superior Bond Strength
2. High Flexibility
3. Designed as per climatic variations
4. Formalized as per demanding substrate & tile surface

Ans. 1. Cement has low tensile strength compared to Tile Adhesive
2. Tile Adhesives can tolerate high wind pressure over multiple heights which cements can’t
3. Cements have low shear strength and designed to give compressive strength whereas AAC Block Adhesive has high shear & tensile strength

Ans. 1. Slip resistant
2. Excellent bond strength
3. Capable to bear high wind pressure
4. Low deformability
5. High Open Time
6. Easy to use
7. Excellent coverage

Ans. Majorly used to adjoin two non-water absorbing surfaces for producing high quality bond strength & superior grip

Common application of Epoxy Adhesives:
1. Glass
2. Marble
3. Wood
4. Ceramics
5. Granite
6. Plastic
7. Stainless Steels

Ans. Epoxy Adhesive functions by mixing epoxy resin & Amine/ Amide Hardner in an appropriate ratio for making high quality epoxy bonds

Ans. 1. Excellent mechanical Strength
2. Wide scope for using over different substrate & surfaces
3. Easily curable & easy to apply
4. Low heat of fusion
5. Clear epoxy adhesives with low viscosity making it suitable for application in remote areas & glass surfaces

Ans. Expansion & Contraction is the nature of tiles which produces extra strain at the joints

Ans. To sustain the strain produced by expansion & contraction of tiles

Ans. Polymer modified Cementous grout is generally used for economical fulfilment of grouting in industrial & commercial applications where spacing between tiles vary from 0-3mm

Ans. Epoxy Grouts are generally used for Residential & Commercial (multiplex, Restaurants, Cafeteria, Bar) purposes for adding extra aesthetic sense beauty to the overall space

Ans. 1. Cementous Base verses Resin & hardner of petrochemical base
2. Low elasticity compared to High elasticity
3. Avg. grip with vitrified tiles compared to Excellent grip extended
4. Epoxy grouts have a varied applicable area
5. Polymer Grouts can withstand UV rays unlike epoxy grout
6. Hard & brittle verses elastic & flexible
7. Low water penetration can be seen with Polymer Grout compared to Zero Water penetration with Epoxy Grouts

Ans. Shawar Conchem currently Manufactures Five (5) kind of Epoxy Grouts:
1. General Epoxy Grout
2. Marine Epoxy Grout
3. Sparkle Epoxy Grout
4. Night – Glow Epoxy Grout
5. SUN-50 Epoxy Grout

Ans. Epoxy Grout fills up the gap between tiles by making excellent bonding with tile surfaces & its extraordinary grip does not allow water to penetrate. Also, its plastic & elastic nature highly resists the water staining & pertaining effect

Ans. 1. Epoxy Grouts which can sustain High Thermal Expansion & Contraction at elevated Temperatures
2. Those which can reflect UV rays by minimizing their effect on the Epoxy Grout
3. Also can Add extra Photogenic properties

Ans. Shawar SEP – 200 & Shawar Sparkle 221

Ans. 1. High Thermal exposure
2. Continuous Temperature Change
3. Poor Quality of Material
4. In appropriate method of application
5. Wrong Mixing Ratio



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