SL 160
SHAWAR SL-160 is a latex base integral waterproofing polymer liquid based on Styrene Butadine copolymer. It is suitable for achieving water repulsive properties in concrete, mortar and plasters. It can also be used for Damaged concrete repair for hair line cracks and as an admixture with repair mortars for large cracks

Concrete repair and adhesive mortar

Terrace surface preparation

Bonding agent for old concrete to new concrete

Primer before starting of repair work

Filling of hair line cracks

Improvised Flexural strength which in result prevents cracking

Modify the viscosity of cement grout for better fluidity & bonding

improvise tensile and mechanical strength for thin set application

Makes weather resistant mortar with improved durability

Keep your home cool

Barrier for capillary action
Apply SL-160 with a roller or brush directly on the targeted surface/substrate.
Technical Information
Other Information
- Pre cast Concrete
- Plaster Board
- Roof
- Walls
- Gypsum and Cementous Board
Shelf Life:
12 Months
Super white
Storage & Handling:
Keep In a cool and Dry Place. Preferably in a sealed container and should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Approx 30 sqft/ltr
Packaging: 1Ltr, 5ltr, 20ltr, Barrel
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