Shawar tile cleaner is a homogeneous mixture of finely selected cleaning elements for removing and cleaning of mosaic, ceramic and vitrified tiles,wash basin, or concrete surfaces
Cleaning kitchen, bathrooms & garages floor surfaces
Ideal for preparing the surface before application of epoxy products
Cleaning for degreasing tiler in bathroom, toilets, wash basin etc
Routine tile cleaning of bathrooms and floor
Does not affect the joints between ceramic tiles, even with colored products
Remove stains easily
Degreases the tile surface easily for soaps, scum, efflorescence, mineral deposit
Cleans for ceramic, porcelain & vitrified tile
Does not effect glaze of tiles
Apply directly over the targeted surface or read the product manual
Precautions & Limitations:
It is advisable to use clinical gloves while using Shawar tile cleaner as some people with sensitive skin
may experience mild itching or irritation. Check the material before using for cleaning of colored concrete, granite, marble stone flooring with corner test because it may etch the surface. (If stone shows discoloration up to 24 hrs. after application,do not use product).
Technical Information
Other Information
Spills & Disposal:
In case of spills, sweep up and shovel the spilled material. Keep spilled material in suitable, closed containers for disposal. Soak up with an absorbent such as clay, sand or other suitable material. Flush area with water to remove trace residue. Do not allow the product to reach the sewage system. Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state or local regulations, as applicable
Over various tile or marble floor and walls
Shelf Life:
6 months
Storage & Handling:
Keep in a cool and dry place
As per on product packaging depending upon the usage
1 ltr,50ltr